MGS Construction

Your brick & stone specialists

Our family-owned company builds, repairs, renovates, & power-washes chimneys, walkways, stairways, patios, driveways, fences, & retaining walls.

Call us for careful cr
aftsmanship at competitive prices!

Brick walkway and stairs, before & after | November 2021

"Miguel Sanchez & his team applied craftsman-like care to renewing our walkway, stairs and chimneys, with attention to detail, competitive pricing and care for the safety of their teams."
– K. Garrenton, 23 November 2021

Flagstone Stairs & Walkway

Brick Walkway

Stone Walkway

Stone Fire Pit

Stone Chimney

Concrete Driveway

Flagstone Stairs & Walkway

Flagstone Stairs & Walkway

Miguel Sanchez | Owner-Operator
17 Water Street, Gaithersburg, MD 20877

Email: Miguel@MGSConstruction.LLC
Phone: +1-240-848-1881
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Bonded & Insured. References available upon request.

Bringing an exposed chimney liner up to code!